Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 92

Hey mom! This week continues to be one of the most exciting weeks
of my mission! We had zone conference and it went super well! Then right after zone conference we had two baptisms, it was soo cool! It was in the church this time! Ill send pics of everything, no worries! I didnt baptize either of the kids, I
let the Assistant to the President perform the ordinances because he had served here in Catania! Anyway, we had a couple of cool things go on this week. On
Saturday, we got transfer calls and I am staying here and Elder Stanley
is going to a place called Cosenza! My new companion will be Anziano Berger! He is a missionary I already served with when I was in Ladispoli! So
he will be my comp again and I'm way excited! 

Anyway, at zone conference, the Mission President told us that we will be doing an exchange in the country of Malta on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, so we took a flight this morning and are here in the country of Malta for right now! It's owned by Britain so the people speak a mix of languages and the people also drive on the wrong side of the road, which is super weird! Its a beautiful place and we are really excited to help out these elders here! I'll sent more pics next week of the beautiful island and stuff! 
Today we saw a lady get run over by a bus and it was probably the worst thing I've ever seen, it is hard to believe that tragic stuff happens like this everyday around the world. But on the bright side, it's good to know that there are also great things happening everyday as well! Well at least it's a comforting thought! Well I am planning to work hard to finish out the mission over these last six weeks. I'm really excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this next transfer!

I love you!

Anziano Goode

Week 91

Hey!  This past week was great and this next one will be even better! We will
have two baptisms on Tuesday! Its going to be way awesome! The Lord is
blessing us with many fruits! So this week we will have Zone
Conference here in Catania, then we will conduct a baptismal interview in
Messina and the next day we will be in Palermo for Stake Conference!
What a busy week we will have! Also we receive transfer calls on
Saturday and I am super excited to know how I will be spending my last

Last week after the baptism, the body surfing was soo memorable, i'll never forget that! Last week we had to go to Reggio Calabria where Kobe Bryant was raised as a kid! The city isn't my favorite place but it was cool anyway! Here's a picture! I love you guys and hope you have a great week!


Anziano Goode

Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 90

Hi, this week was way awesome!  We had the baptism on Thursday in Gela, Sicily.  The baptism took place in the Mediterranean Sea.  It was totally cool! And I couldn't help but body surf this wave in!!!  I've sent some pictures.  We as a zone have been combining our strengths and everyone is being blessed! We have lots of really great missionaries here! 
I love you guys so much! Talk next week! Gotta run!

Anziano Goode

Baptism in the Mediterranean Sea

Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 89

Hey mom, so yesterday was awesome! I was like stressing about it, but it went really well (the Skype). These last few months are going to fly by! I'm super excited though! I am trying to soak it all in! Also, the baptism was postponed to this week and it is going to be awesome! I'm super excited to participate in this ordinance!
I'm excited for school, I feel like I have the right attitude going into it so it should be really awesome! I have realized that I want to be able to help people throughout my life whether that be physically or mentally. I would like to help people through their struggles! 
I love to talk to new people every day whether it be on the street or on the bus or anywhere! I talked to a lady that spoke English from Catania in a fruit store today that was pretty cool, her name was Licia. 
I hope you have a great week! 
Love, Anziano Goode

P.S. Expect some cool pics next week!  I am baptizing Carmello in the ocean!  I hope the waves are good!  Haha!

Week 88

Hey mom! 
It was soo good to see you guys yesterday! The family I was with gave you all some good compliments! The package you sent hasn't come in
yet but I think that's because there were some holidays this week!
Anyway I wanted to write an email that you could post, so here it goes!
This week has been awesome! Actually the past few weeks have been
awesome! I am enjoying so much my time here in Sicily! I have come to
love the members I serve so much! In the last couple of weeks we as a
mission have been getting really excited about the month of May! We are
striving as a mission to have 40 baptisms this month! We all
strongly feel that we can reach this goal! To help out, our Zone will
need about 6 baptisms this month. Just in our city we have 3
planned for this month! We are soo grateful for the help the Lord
gives us in accomplishing these small and simple things! This week
we have found many people who are ready to hear about the restored
gospel! We have been working with the youth especially, because they
have friends that are willing to listen and they aren't afraid! This
week we should be having at least one baptism in the Zone! His name is
Carmello, he is from a different city but he felt like he needed to
have me baptize him, so he asked if I would do that this Saturday! This
week will be great! I'm excited for Mother's Day and I hope everything
will go well for you guys this week!
Love, Anziano Goode

                  Here is a video my Comp took of me driving around Sicily!

Week 87

Well this week was great! To top it off, a missionary that returned
already from the mission came back with his family for a vacation and
to see us so it was awesome!  My goals before I come home are just
missionary related things like baptizing a family and stuff like that! A man asked me to baptize him on the 7th next month so I will get to do that as long as he prepares himself well enough!  I love you guys, thanks for everything!  

Love, Anziano Goode

P.S. Me and my comp are staying together here in Catania!

This is a missionary that is headed home to Sacramento!

Week 86

Hey mom, 
This week we gave a few blessings which was totally cool. I love giving blessings; especially because I feel like I see the results from them immediately.
Faith really does influence the results of those who receive blessings. Faith is the principle by which all miracles are wrought! I'm grateful for my testimony of priesthood blessings!

My trip to Messina was great, we didn't really see much of the city but
the church is beautiful and we were able to get some good work done!
There are only 2 zones in Sicily, so our zone covers over half of

Is there anything I can do for you guys? 
I love you and hope you have a great week!
Love, Anziano Goode

Week 85

Hey mom, love you! 
Sorry I cant cant write you this week!

Week 84

Hey mom!,
How are you guys! I'm so glad your week went well! My week
didn't go very well, until General Conference! After General Conference, I
was calmed down a lot and I feel much more in tune with the Spirit!
I'm really just fighting Satan and trying to do my best to finish the
mission strong and find as many people to teach before I head out and leave mission life and Italy behind! 

I'm glad that Nathan was able to go with some friends to snowboard that was always the highlight of conference week! Hahaha
Anyway, I loved Conference; well the parts that I have seen so far, which
are the morning sessions and priesthood session. I still need to watch
the afternoon sessions!
I'm happy to know that the Spirit has touched all of our lives this

I love you so much! Have a great week!
Love, Anziano Goode