Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 89

Hey mom, so yesterday was awesome! I was like stressing about it, but it went really well (the Skype). These last few months are going to fly by! I'm super excited though! I am trying to soak it all in! Also, the baptism was postponed to this week and it is going to be awesome! I'm super excited to participate in this ordinance!
I'm excited for school, I feel like I have the right attitude going into it so it should be really awesome! I have realized that I want to be able to help people throughout my life whether that be physically or mentally. I would like to help people through their struggles! 
I love to talk to new people every day whether it be on the street or on the bus or anywhere! I talked to a lady that spoke English from Catania in a fruit store today that was pretty cool, her name was Licia. 
I hope you have a great week! 
Love, Anziano Goode

P.S. Expect some cool pics next week!  I am baptizing Carmello in the ocean!  I hope the waves are good!  Haha!

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