of my mission! We had zone conference and it went super well! Then right after zone conference we had two baptisms, it was soo cool! It was in the church this time! Ill send pics of everything, no worries! I didnt baptize either of the kids, I
let the Assistant to the President perform the ordinances because he had served here in Catania! Anyway, we had a couple of cool things go on this week. On
Saturday, we got transfer calls and I am staying here and Elder Stanley
is going to a place called Cosenza! My new companion will be Anziano Berger! He is a missionary I already served with when I was in Ladispoli! So
he will be my comp again and I'm way excited!
Anyway, at zone conference, the Mission President told us that we will be doing an exchange in the country of Malta on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, so we took a flight this morning and are here in the country of Malta for right now! It's owned by Britain so the people speak a mix of languages and the people also drive on the wrong side of the road, which is super weird! Its a beautiful place and we are really excited to help out these elders here! I'll sent more pics next week of the beautiful island and stuff!
Today we saw a lady get run over by a bus and it was probably the worst thing I've ever seen, it is hard to believe that tragic stuff happens like this everyday around the world. But on the bright side, it's good to know that there are also great things happening everyday as well! Well at least it's a comforting thought! Well I am planning to work hard to finish out the mission over these last six weeks. I'm really excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this next transfer!
I love you!
Anziano Goode
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