Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 30

This week was a great week of growth for me, I realized just how much I've changed and become a different, more capable person. My companion is a little bit less courageous than I am and I have been speaking more than he has in every appointment and every lesson and everything which has really helped my Italian a lot! This Sunday we gave the lesson in priesthood out of the Ezra Taft Benson manual lesson 6 talking about cristo our salvatore e redentore! I didn't mean to write that in Italian, it just comes easier to me sometimes... haha! We always joke as missionaries about how our English has gotten terrible and our Italian isn't that great so we are just useless sometimes, haha! But it's not like that, I guess! Yesterday I thought a lot to myself about using this time to become the person I want to become when I return from the mission and who I will be afterward, having to be prepared to have a family when the time comes and to study and it kind of freaked me out a bit! Also the fact that I have almost been out 8 months and I'm not where I want to be but I can still improve and will improve everyday! I'm so grateful for the example of the Savior and also for the hand that He reaches out to all of His children and the hope He gives us to try a little at a time to grow and change and become, over time, the person we want to become! This Wednesday we will have mission tour where everyone in the mission will go to Rome to hear Elder Texiera of the Quorum of the 70 speak to us.  Except for the missionaries serving in Sicily, we will all meet in Palermo to hear him and I think that will count for our Zone Conference. I am in the Palermo Zone now!  The Tràpani branch is incredible! I have learned how much help the missionaries normally receive, which is awesome!!!! I feel like I'm being spoiled and I'm in a branch of only 30 people. I can't imagine our missionaries in HB, they are soooo spoiled haha! Well anyway I had a great week it's amazing how beautiful these people are here! I cant believe it! I've fallen in love a million times, without actually falling in love, of course lol! Well, tell Nathan to write to me, I miss that schmaggle! 
Love, Anziano Goode

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