Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 29-I made it to Sicily!

I just had the craziest week of my life, man! Soooo on Wednesday night I took a train for three hours all alone to Napoli (Naples) which is the craziest city in the world, no joke. When I got there I had my two bags and no cell phone or anything. I was just expecting the missionaries to pick me up there and they weren't there which was a bit scary because everyone steals things in Napoli and I was just sitting there alone waiting. So they didn't come for like 30 minutes, so I decided to call the Mission President on some random guy's phone. The Prez called the missionaries and told them to come get me, so they got there 40 minutes later and I had just been like fighting off hoards of people and gypsies trying to steal my stuff! When the missionaries  arrived it was pouring rain, so we walked 30 minutes to the church and dropped off my bags, then we went and got a Napoli pizza, which is the greatest thing in the entire world, man! Also the mozzerella di buffola was incredible in Napoli! It is the best cheese in the entire world, seriously we were just eating balls of cheese and I was crying because it was sooo good! Then we had to go back to the  train station to by my train ticket for the next morning and I was sitting there with my pizza and this other elder and this gypsy walks up to us and takes off her shirt and was shoving her stomach in my face while I was trying to eat and she was like "I'm pregnant, give me food, give me a slice of the pizza!" I had no idea what to do, so I push her away with my hand and my comp hits her with his umbrella while she is like attacking us so we try to run away and she chases us and spits a lougie on my comp's elbow and runs away! Hahahaha! It was the nastiest thing I've ever seen! So we went back to the church to grab my bags with 4 other elders and we left our umbrellas outside for a minute and when we came out there was this crazy guy that had just stolen one of them and ran off, so of course we chase him down and he was robbing someone else! So we corner him and let the other guy go then we took the umbrella out of his hands and sprinted away! Man, it was sooo crazy!!! That city is the craziest city in the world!!!! Well that was my week pretty much! well This place, Trapani is seriously blessed by the Lord though! The work here is sooo good because all of the members have referrals for us its awesome!!! Also in this city we were walking around and all of a sudden it started to rain a little bit and this guy like just walked next to us and was like, "You're the Mormons, right?" and we were like, "Yes!" and he invited us in and told us to teach him so we walk into his house and his wife and kid and mom and brother were all just sitting there and he asked us what was the difference between our church and every other church and so we taught them all of the first discussion about the restoration and he said we can come back whenever even if he doesn't want to be a member quite yet, hahaha! It was a miracle! He also gave us food and juice, I was blown away! I have never met someone so generous in my life, haha! Well this week was awesome! The members are great here, they were fighting over us for lunch yesterday and everything is going super good with my new comp! His name is Anziano Bridger Tew.  Here are some pictures of the boat ride from Reggio Calabria to Sicily.  And a few from the bus ride from Palermo to Trapani.

Anz Goode

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