Tuesday, September 16, 2014

5th Week in the MTC- Last Preperation Day in the MTC

Every week is great here in the MTC! I have learned so much about being humble and having faith! I feel like the more I learn, the less things I actually know! Yesterday we had a Speaker from the Quorum of the 70, Elder Sitati, and his wife. They were from Kenya! They were some of the most humble people I have ever met! I could tell how grateful they were for everything that had happened in their lives! They were especially grateful for their conversion to the church. I guess I have taken for granted the blessings I have had in my life, which is probably not good! well I have grown so much in my short time in the MTC. Every day i have to opportunity to teach and share what I know to be true! Its pretty weird thinking I still have 23 months ahead of me in another country! I have just grown to feel like this place is where I will be for two years! oh, so this week all of the elders in my zone caught this big spider and put it in my pocket on the front of my shirt, it was one of the worst things that could've happened. I tried to stay calm while turning my head and had Elder Kenney smash it and take it out of my pocket... it was pretty awful! Well anyway, I have been playing 4 square at gym time and its super competitive because we put two people on each team now and its almost like volleyball! so this elder and I have been on a team and we had never been beaten until this Monday we finally lost! It was way awesome too because we would all be betting our food and treats and stuff like that it is way fun!! also this week the German Elders left to Germany! I had made pretty good friends with them because they were in the classrooms right next to us!  The night before they all left I took a picture with the best of them!! He is this big elder from New Zeland!!! Elder Cocker! I'm pretty sure he will make it into the professional rugby league because of how big and fast he is! I'm also going to try to send home some picture of the crew in our residence! This upcoming week we don't have too much going on... only like 2 more days of actual study!  I think I'm just about ready for Italy! I guess all that I can say for this week is... to be grateful for everything we have been given in this life! Love you all thanks for all of the letters! 
Love- Anziano Goode

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