Thursday, September 4, 2014

4th Week Letter!

Ciao everyone!! This week was pretty awesome!! Ive really started to take a liking to teaching everyday! My companion and I have been doing awesome! This week we had two Practice investigators commit to baptism! Tomorrow my companion and I Get to skype with someone from Italy and teach them a 30minute lesson! I sure hope I can understand what they're saying!! So last night we had a devotional given by Don R Clarke of the seventy. He talked about the things new members of the church need in order to stay active in the church. The three things he said were necessary were, number one, a good friend in the church, number two was a responsibility in the church and number three was constant nourishment with the Book of Mormon. Everyone of us can be a missionary just by being good friends with someone! This week was way fun! I got a big cake in the mail yesterday (thanks mom) and it was conveniently somebody's birthday! So last night we had a huge fiesta with tons of cake and soda and garbage food! i don't feel good today, about that decision but i think it was worth it!!! I cant even believe how much time has gone past! I'm already almost a month old in the mission! I've got less than two weeks left now here in the MTC! woohoo! its honestly been great here learning however it does get a bit repetitive so i think I'm ready for the change of the mission field and for the Italian food!! So today during Gym time there was this Australian elder going to the Philippines that was pretty good at volleyball so we got to play a little more competitive than normal. It was awesome! Also we have been playing 4 square and it gets like way competitive!! So I told everyone that we were competing for a huge bag of Twizzlers that i had which made it even more intense hahaha. so right at the last minute somehow i hit an amazing shot into the kings square and i moved into the kings square for the win! some of the workers here in the mtc get super competitive as well which is super fun! oh yeah one last story! so every Monday we do service in one of the buildings on campus here and the worker is a really nice guy and since we have cafeteria food all the time we asked him if he would pick us up some food! he said he would so i guess ill let you know what we get next week! he said his boss might not like it if he did that but his boss is out of town so i guess that's a good thing hahaha!! well everyday is a new adventure!! i hope everyone is doing well!! keep sending me letters and keep me updated!!

Love- Anziano Goode

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