Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 97: Last full week in Italy!

Hey mom, I love you so much! This will be my last email from the mission!
I just wanted to tell you guys everything we have going on this week! We have two baptisms scheduled for this Friday and it will be soo awesome!   
Saturday morning I will be taking the train up to Rome in the morning! Then Sunday I will attend a ward where I served in Ladispoli! I'm super excited! Then Monday I will be in Rome for my last Prep-day and will try to see all the cool stuff there is to see before I head home Tuesday morning.  I will see you all Tuesday night!
For my last Monday in Catania, we will have a BBQ with the bishop's family for lunch, then we will go to the best family's house ever, for dinner and family
home evening! It will be so awesome! I'm super excited for this week! And
for coming home! It's finally starting to hit me that my mission is
I love you guys so much! I just want to share my testimony that the Book of
Mormon has changed my life and that the mission was an inspired calling
from a Prophet of God! I have loved serving in the Rome, Italy mission. Even more, I love the Lord that I have been a servant of! I leave you with this final missionary testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

Anziano Goode

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