Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 75

Hey, I'm so happy this week. It was one of the hardest weeks of work we had 7 lessons this week which means a lesson everyday. We even had two investigators in church yesterday.  I am lucky to have spiritual moments every day and to feel the Spirit daily as I do my part in keeping the commandments and as I remember Christ daily. Also, transfer calls will be this Saturday! I think i will be leaving this city next Thursday! The sister missionaries that entered the mission with me will be going home on Tuesday, which is really strange.  
     I'm always happy to hear about your weeks and to know how you have come closer to Christ! You guys are doing so great! I loved that analogy of pushing the giant rock! Sometimes we just push and push and the rock never moves, bu I know that I was not asked to move the rock, only to push the rock!! That is exactly how i feel as a missionary. It's just good to know and remember that the Lord is also pushing, and that he loves me and knows the end result because a lot of times as a missionary we just feel like we suffer for no reason.  We also need to remember that the Lord is shaping us, just like a sculptor, one chisel stroke at a time! Well, I love you guys! I hope you have a great week! 
Anziano Goode

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