Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 65

Hey so this week was a little bit crazy! We had transfers and I got a new
companion! He's a pretty cool guy from Idaho.  T
his week as soon as my comp arrived, he looked at the house and decided to reorganize and deep clean everything. I figured it was a good use of our time and I thought about when we give service to others it's a bit hard if we ourselves aren't even cleaned up. So I took that as a personal and spiritual lesson as well, and have been trying not to be a hypocrite with anything I do.
We have been working incredibly hard with our members, they are super cool.
So, in December we will do a talent show with all of our members! It should be pretty fun. I think this lady in our ward is going to play the piano and she wants us to sing a song.  I think a lot about the mission and how at the end of the mission I don't want to have any regrets! So, I've been putting in my best work now so that doesn't happen! 
Today, for our prep day we went to the Vatican. The artwork was pretty cool inside!  
Well anyway i hope everything is going well for you guys! I hope you travel safe and that you have lots of fun for the holidays! 

Love, Anziano Goode

Inside the Vatican

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