Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 58

     Thanks for the update this week! I had a good week as my last full week in Trapani! I have been so blessed here in this part of the world with these great members that we have. So Sunday we had a farewell talk for the one missionaries going to France from our branch and he mentioned me in his talk, which was really cool. He remembered this lesson that we did together and after feeling the spirit strongly and after the investigator left I was smiling and our member missionary asked what was up. I responded saying, "I love it", he asked me what I loved and I told him the feeling of the Spirit is what I love and being able to share that with others, but this isn't something that only missionaries can do, members and anyone who has the gift of the spirit can do this thing. 
     About the Primary Program, unfortunately our branch is too small to have a Primary Program. There are only 4 or 5 kids, which makes it a bit strange to do a whole program. I'm sure in the next ward I go to they will do it. 
     Oh ya, so I'm getting transferred to Ladispoli, which is a small city next to Rome! I'm really excited because I have always wanted to serve in Rome or close to it at least hahah! I took pictures with my branch and everyone so we could remember each other. In church, my companion and I teach a gospel principles class every Sunday, which is always fun because we do it in English or in Italian, depending on who comes. We also get to help out with the sacrament sometimes when they need us. I really liked that quote you sent about how we didn't come to earth to receive all of our blessings but instead to prepare to meet God. My companion will be staying here which is good! I will be getting a companion from Michigan, his name is Anziano Berger. Maybe dad knows his family somehow! That's cool to see the missionaries at home, I still don't feel old enough to be a missionary but I will be turning 20 next week and maybe then I'll feel old enough! 
Well I love you guys a lot, you have all helped me a ton. I hope you have a good week!
Anziano Goode

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