Sunday, July 19, 2015

Week 47

So this week was really good! I got my new companion fresh from the MTC! His name is Anziano Lapray and he's from Idaho Falls, Idaho.  He likes to play basketball, soccer and ping pong! He's a pretty smart guy, he studied at BYU for a year before coming out on his mission.   He has definitely been helping me work hard! He asks me a ton of questions and helps me realize the reason I do things and if there is anything more efficient that we could be doing! So, I think this next transfer will be the hardest one yet just because I will be teaching my companion everything, but I think we will see the most miracles as well!  We pretty much just said our goodbyes to the old companions on Thursday morning and welcomed the new ones coming in on a train from Rome. I can tell we are going to get along well. This week I will do another baptismal interview with a lady that some Anziani in my district are teaching! I will do that on Saturday and let you all know how it goes! Also one of our investigators has decided to be baptized the first of Agosto! It should be really cool! I know you guys are at Camp Kolob, so let me know how everything went when you get back. I hope everything is going well!  Anyway I hope you all have a great week and be safe! I love and miss you all!
Anziano Goode

Saying goodbye to Anz Ferraro

My new comp, Anziano Lapray

Sunset in Sicily

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