Thursday, May 21, 2015

Week 39

Hi!  I'm doing realllllly welll! We had just an awesome week!!! So we met this lady Monday night that is a Buddhist and was really willing to talk about religion and these things! So on Thursday we had our first lesson with her in the park! Her name is Roberta, she is 50 yrs old, by the way, and has 4 kids! So we taught her in the park for an hour and a half! Way too long of a meeting but I just couldn't help but answer all of her questions! So then we met again yesterday in kind of another park and we even prayed together to invite the Spirit, of course, even though there were a bunch of people close by staring at us. So we gave a thirty minute restoration lesson and it went really smoothly, the Spirit was really strong, probably because we had planned really well and used the scriptures, the Bible and the Book of Mormon! At the end we invited her to be baptized by someone holding the authority of restored priesthood and she accepted! She said she wants to prepare herself for baptism for the 20th of June! Also she talked about how 2 of her children never had been baptized and they need to hear this message as well! I was soooo happy! So that was the most exciting thing that happened this week! 
     As far as members feeding us, we were fed yesterday really well, like every Sunday! We had pasta, sword fish and potatoes and bread and fruit salad and ice cream and then these chocolate things, so yeah we were fed well! I think I'm still full... haha.  Then tonight we have been invited to go teach a family home evening with a family then eat "cena" with them!  
     Other than that, we have some less active Africans in our Ward that we have been trying to contact since i got here and they hadn't responded really and just the other day this one man from Ghana called us and was like "ANZIANO, I am Sooooo sorry I didn't call you!  I have been travelling for two months looking for work!"   So we met with him and another guy this week and we read the Book of Mormon. They speak this language from Ghana called Twe and not very good English so we read in English and they followed in Twe!   Then yesterday one of them came to church and I gave him my tie because he did not have one! He was so grateful to come to church and feel the love from our members, even though I was translating the lessons from Italian to English for him so he could understand! 
     Well there wasn't too much else that happened this week, this next week we will already be receiving transfer calls! I hope my comp and I get to stay together for six more weeks, but I'm not so sure it will happen! Well anyway, I hope everyone has a good week! Thanks for the letters and the prayers, I receive both of them and I try to respond in letters and prayers as well! 
Love, Anziano Goode

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