Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 37

For P-day today we took a 30 minute public boat to this island which is called Favignana! It's seriously the most beautiful place I think I have ever seen!! The water is just sooo blue and tempting haha! Man I wanted to dive in sooo bad! Well anyway, we didn't break any rules, which was good and we had the most awesome day in the world hahaha! The pictures just don't do it justice either! We walked around half of the island today we will probably come back another week! It was a lot bigger than we expected, we should've rented bikes to be honest, but we are used to walking! I am in love with this place! It's sooo beautiful! It's super hot, but amazing honey moon territory hahahahah! And to see it again with the family would be nice too hahha!  I'm so glad you guys got to go to the temple open house in Payson, UT while you were visiting Hanna!  My mission companion, Anziano Tew is from Payson! I am hoping that  the Rome Temple will be done before I am ready to come home.  They are saying now that it will be done by the Spring of 2016! It's been a crazy 9 months, I'll tell you that, haha! I have felt many ups and downs but the greatest thing is that the Lord is always pushing us pretty hard!  Church was really good this week we have been helping our members know how they can possibly help us! Now they are starting to want to help us because we've told them how important this work is and how much better is is when the members get involved!! Well anyway, I love the church and I love the mission! I love you all and I cant wait to see you next week!!  
Love Anziano Goode
P-day in Favignana, Sicily

The water is SO blue!

Craving Tacos!

Homemade tortillas

Our hotel in Rome

Package from the Seapoint Ward Young Women
shared with my comps on the overnight train from Rome

District Lunch in Palermo


From our 5th floor apartment in Trapani

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