Dear Family!
I just wanted to say how much I love you guys! A lot of things have changed for me out here in Italy, including the amount of love I have for you all! It has certainly grown quite a bit! I can only imagine how our Heavenly Father feels being distanced from His loved ones wanting all the best for them in all that they do! I know you have all been waiting for some chocolate so I hope you all enoy it! I have been praying for you guys hoping everything continues to go well, I know the Lord is blessing you. It is incredible to see how fast time is flying by. Yesterday I met some man from Palermo who said that Trapani is the most beautiful city in Sicily, which I totaly believe! I am loving my time here getting to know the members, the food, people, places, it is all a great time on the mission but the greatest part is changing your faith in the Gospel in to a knowledge of the Gospel. Yes, it's true that there are many Catholics here, in fact if they aren't Catholic they are "Testamony Jehovah" which doesn't normally make it any easier to tell them about the restored gospel. Anyway I haven't technically had any baptisms but I'm also not becoming very discouraged. Probably because I didn't set any standards for myself before the mission as far as baptisms. Well anyway, Italy is great, even though most Italians hate it. I hope you guys keep moving along day by day. Hug Grandma for me, and everyone else.
I can't believe Ty is going to be coming home in the next 5 months. I will be past a year at that point. I try not to think about my time to be honest, it just scares me because I know I'm not ready to come home quite yet. The Lord has a great plan for each of us if we just submit ourselves to His will and His way we can become the best version of ourselves, the most Christlike version! I invite you all to learn more about Christ. Whether it be by reading the scriptures or Preach My Gospel Chapter 6. Learn about Him so you can all understand what you have committed to doing in Baptism and with Sacrament each week. I know that my Redeemer lives! Have an awesome time without me so that I can hear some awesome stories when we talk! I look forward to Mother's Day! I look forward to seeing your faces and smiles!
In this packet there are 2 chocolate bars, one for the boys and one for the girls, or however. Then there is a Sicilia bracelet for Leah and a beautiful bread cloth or something for mom! I really didn't know what to get Hanna so I just waited. If you guys want anything else let me know. Especially if it is small enough to fit in this size box! Send me an e-mail when you receive this, I hope you are all well and alive. Give Grammie and Grampie hugs for me as well!
Love, Tanto Amore, Anziano Goode
I also put some sea glass in here that I found on the Mediterranean seashore, this is the color of the water here!
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