Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 32

hahaahahh! Don't you worry about Nathan, Mother! You've had pretty good success with your first three kids! I think Nathan just needs some more kisses on the cheek like all the ladies give here in Italy! hahahaha! I have had more kisses on the mission than any other time in my life and I've been pretty happy! hahaha!  I wouldn't say you are doing anything wrong, I just think that he needs to see that being obedient is truly a blessing of happiness, guaranteed! If we do our part, God always does his part! If anything, don't make home a place where he hates to be, it should be a fun loving place! You're doing your best! Don't worry about the rest!  
I'm not quite sure exactly when we will get the iPad's but it should be shortly after Elder Bednar speaks to us in Rome on the 28th of April! All of us will be going to Rome by train, I'm pretty sure! Wahoo!  I love those 15 hour train rides! 
My week was seriously great! It seemed to fly by! I have never worked so hard! We have two investigators that are probably going to be baptized soon because they are super awesome and have been coming to church and feeling the Spirit!  Here is a funny story, I thought you would enjoy...
Something soooo funny happened this week too!  We were on a bus in Palermo and the bus stopped and there was this dirty hobo in a wheelchair with no legs. it was kinda scary but he asked us to help him in the bus so we did. Then he grabbed onto a railing so he wouldn't roll away because those buses are scary and anyway he started talking to us about science and how God doesn't exist! Then he tells us he has made his own medicines and stuff for deciding whether to make a baby masculine or feminine, this man smelled terrible, by the way, just like urine! Then he starts like hobbling and spinning around in his wheel chair to grab his back pack on the back of it, so he grabs the bag and shows us these papers that were just torn up and dirty and he told my comp to hold it, so he does, maybe because he was scared, I'm not really sure why he touched that dirty bag of papers... then this man hobble spins around in his wheel chair and starts reaching down his pants!  At this point I was scared to death of what was going on. Then he grabs a water bottle full of something and tells my comp to grab it! The man grabs the papers out of my comps hands and hands him the water bottle and my comp grabs it by the lid just barely touching it and the the guy says "No, grab the bottle." hahahahha! So my comp is just scared out of his mind thinking he was going to die, just grabs the bottle and hands it back to the man as the man takes it and shoves it back in his pants! I turned around and was just busting up crying/laughing because my comp had just grabbed this homeless man's urine bottle! Man that was terribly funny!  It is crazy here!
Well, I am having a hard time sending out the weekly e-mails, I'm sorry... haha, my wrists kill from typing!  I have lost some weight this last transfer already, like 10 lbs!  Maybe I have like a tape worm or something, jk... I have just been working out better  and doing yoga!  I'm super excited to Skype you guys on Mother's day! Have Nathan write me!  I haven't heard from him in a bit! Have him send some pictures or something! haha... I'll set him straight!  Make sure he is praying every night! You can even do a family prayer at night! Well anyway, I love you guys! Keep chugging along! The Lord has surpassed the number of blessings I ever thought I could receive and I'm sure He will do the same for you! I love you hope you get a lot out of General Conference, take notes! 
Love, Anziano Goode

Practicing straight blade shaving on a balloon!!

Break-dancing in the church before cleaning it!

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