Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3 Months!

So this week started off pretty slow, my comp and I were both really sick, and so were our investigators. so this week the work didn't go quite the way we wanted, but everyone has those weeks. We had Zone Conference which was really good! We talked about obedience and how we can be blessed through our obedience to the rules. Of course this is like the most talked about thing as a missionary because we have been given so much freedom and we are to represent the Lord in all of our actions. It was also very nice to have Zone Conference because I finally was able to meet some new missionaries even younger than me in the mission! That was quite a confidence booster seeing how I was just like them the first weeks and how I have already learned soo much! They bore their testimonies in Italian and I couldn't understand them because they were speaking very slow and in Americanized Italian! I just laughed to myself and realized that was me just a few weeks ago! We also had Halloween this week which was very fun! For some reason the kids here go around throwing eggs and flour at people so we had to be extra careful when we were outside because we were just moving targets as American missionaries! So we dressed up in our street clothes trying to avoid attention and in case we were hit we could wash them easier than our suits and then we pretty much ran to the church! We made it there just fine!  One of the members painted our faces, actually pretty scary, and we had a nice Halloween party with all of the members and kids!  Well other than this nothing much happened during the week, oh and we made it home safely too, after being chased by a few kids and girls. Haha!  Well it was a lot of fun anyway!  Thanks for all of the letters! hope everyone has a great week!!! Happy birthday to my little Brother Nathan!!
If you'd like to see more pictures of those serving in the Rome, Italy Mission (200 Full-time Missionaries) check out: http://romeitalymission.blogspot.com/ 
Love, Anziano Goode 
Birthday Present to Myself!  Italian Soccer Uniform!
Halloween, Italian Style
Cooking Lessons

Homes in Bitonto
Streets of Bitonto

Zone Conference with my Comp, Anziano Seiko

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