Monday, September 22, 2014


 Hey Everyone! So I made it to Italy alright!  The plane rides were pretty crazy because we missed the plane to London and had to have a layover in London for 4 hours! It wasn't so bad but we were all so tired that we just slept and ate in the airport for that time!  So anyway, we flew to Rome, which was great because it was only 3 hours and I got to sit next to these two ladies from Italy that were super nice!  They didn't speak any English which was kind of fun!  Anyway, I got a picture with them that I will send!  We arrived at the mission home in Rome at about 8 o'clock pm, which was much later than we were supposed to get there!  We had this nice plate of fruits and vegetables waiting for us when we got there it was great!  I woke up the next morning after being assigned to a town called Bitonto to get on a train at 6 in the morning!!  The train from Rome to Bitonto was 6 hours!  It was beautiful the whole time! With tons of random cities and mountains, it was incredible! I tried to take pictures of some of the things i saw!  I have been going through such a culture shock too!  It seems as if there are no rules here!  It's kinda fun now that I am more used to it but the first day i was so scared to even cross the streets. There are random dogs everywhere that are pretty strange because they just sit there and don't do anything!  My first couple of days were super tough because I had pretty bad jet lag and was super tired the whole time!   My companion is pretty cool, Anziano Seiko, he is from Italy in the north which is good and bad, its good because he can speak perfect Italian and its bad because he its trying to learn English and i am trying to learn Italian haha!  We have taught a couple of lessons now and its crazy how much I don't understand!  when I do understand, I say things that probably don't make sense but either way its great! Yesterday we had church for the first time since I've been here!  it was really great!  They played that song, "Have I Done Any good?" and it was so beautiful in Italian!  It was kind of funny to because the piano player would  put his own twist on the songs because he is a music teacher and he is way good!  After church we were invited over to a members house for desert at night! We had this delicious cake called bocca notte that they only make in this part of Italy! Also there is this other good food that I had on the first night in Bitonto called panzerotti and its like this inside-out pizza that is wayyyy good!  That's also special to Bitonto! Next time I will take a picture! Well anyway, it is great to be a missionary in the world and help others out everyday!!  I love this work and the message I have been given the opportunity to share!  This place is great, I love the mission president and his wife, they are great! Here are some pictures of my week!

My new bedroom!

View from my apartment.

My first meal!

A local band was playing Aerosmith and other American music on the evening I arrived!
This is a view from my apartment.

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