Tuesday, August 12, 2014

From Peter:
Friday, August 8th, 2014

      I would be lying if I said these last two days weren't hard.  But I have already begun to feel the change in my life.  My companion and I get along quite well!  He, Anziano Nomellini, is from Fresno, CA.  My Italiano is coming along quite well.  I have been working super hard which is probably why I have been made the Leader of my District.  The food is alright, but I'm still doing great.  I've heard the first couple of days are hard which I now believe.  I have prayed so many times already for help and guidance!  It is truly the Lord's work and I can feel the Spirit so strongly all the time.  Io se che questa chiesa e ii vera perche io ha pregato e this work is molto bene!
      I'm doing well and can't wait to do laundry on Preparation Day ("P-day") next Wednesday!

Love, Anziano Goode

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